Keep your devices boring

Your smartphone or a tablet can easily distract you into social media, emails, texts from friends, and so on...

You pick-up a phone to "quickly" check something important. After 10 mins, once you're caught up with something important all the distractions, you keep your phone away. In a second, you realise what happened, and pick your phone again. This time, you do check the important thing and then get lost in the new set of distractions. This cycle can go on and on...

To have unhurried and deliberate lifestyle, you need to get rid of distractions or at least reduce them as much as possible. You can achieve that by keeping your devices boring — Disable all the unwanted notifications, delete social media apps, set up screen-time, and last but not the least, keep your phone away while you indulge in other activities.


Sam Altman. “The Days Are Long but the Decades Are Short,” April 29, 2015.

Minimize your own cognitive load from distracting things that don’t really matter. It’s hard to overstate how important this is, and how bad most people are at it. Get rid of distractions in your life. Develop very strong ways to avoid letting crap you don’t like doing pile up and take your mental cycles, especially in your work life.

Cal Newport. Digital Minimalism: On Living Better with Less Technology. 2019.